
Creative Energy Options

Fatal Flaws: Self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome

By Sylvia Lafair | August 10, 2021 | Comments Off on Fatal Flaws: Self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Summary: When you start a new job or get a great promotion, it’s common to experience self-doubt. Minds can fill with stress-related thoughts, like “can I, will I, am I capable?” The imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are tips to stay strong and confident. What…

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Creative Energy Options

Leaders, Are You Burning Up (Anger) or Burning Out (Exhaustion)? Here’s What To Do.

By Sylvia Lafair | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Leaders, Are You Burning Up (Anger) or Burning Out (Exhaustion)? Here’s What To Do.

Summary: As a leader do you shout out your anger or shut it down? Either way can be costly to your health. Soon, overwhelm causes you to shut down. Here are ways to turn your anger inside out and move past the extremes to more effective ways of working together. The energy of anger is…

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Creative Energy Options

Stress Can’t Be Prevented, Yet You Can Tone It Down

By Sylvia Lafair | July 21, 2021 |

Summary: Do you want to break the hold stress has on your life? Are there ways to be happier, healthier, and more productive? Can you find the courage to gain resilience and hold up under pressure? Are you ready to learn new methods on how to prevent stress? Or at least to meet challenges head-on?…

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Creative Energy Options

A New Perspective About Leadership and BURNOUT

By Sylvia Lafair | July 14, 2021 | Comments Off on A New Perspective About Leadership and BURNOUT

How do you know if you are on the path to burnout? As a leader, what do you do when stress hits the hot button? What is burnout anyway? What do you do when you are the one in charge? Above all, burnout doesn’t happen overnight. The signs show up little by little. Therefore, I…

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Creative Energy Options

Leadership in Times of Stress and Change

By Sylvia Lafair | June 8, 2021 |

Summary: Do you, as a leader, work under intense pressure? My guess is the answer is a resounding “yes.” Here’s what to do. Leadership needs a clear vision to not collide with stress For example, can you keep your employees aligned on vision, mission, and results? Or is conflict higher than ever? To clarify, what…

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Creative Energy Options

How Leaders Increase Work and Personal Productivity With Less Stress

By Sylvia Lafair | June 2, 2021 | Comments Off on How Leaders Increase Work and Personal Productivity With Less Stress

New discussions are popping, indicating leadership is not just about business anymore. It never really was. Conversations now address life’s purpose. Here is how you can decrease stress, increase productivity, and be confident in your decisions. Can you really balance the work-home conundrum? Dear Dr. Sylvia, I have been so comfortable working from home. I…

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Creative Energy Options

YOU and The Benefits of EUSTRESS (Yes, it’s a real word)

By Sylvia Lafair | May 25, 2021 |

It’s time to break the hold stress has on your life. As a result, you can become happier, healthier, and more productive. Consequently, there is one type of stress that is actually good for you. In other words, stress can be good. Get the benefits of eustress. Who knew? Let’s hear it for GOOD STRESS. …

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Creative Energy Options

Your Mental Health and Burnout

By Sylvia Lafair | May 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Your Mental Health and Burnout

Dear Dr. Sylvia, The pandemic has changed the way we talk about mental health. And that’s a good thing. Isn’t it? For example, there are more and more conversations about how to stay healthy and engage in self care. Mental Health means self-care As a result, good mental health includes quiet time for oneself, eating…

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Creative Energy Options

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month for Leaders at Work, Home, Everywhere

By Sylvia Lafair | May 4, 2021 | Comments Off on The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month for Leaders at Work, Home, Everywhere

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? It’s a great time to spotlight effective ways to let go of over-the-top stress and anxiety. Above all, Covid has profoundly impacted people of all ages at home, school, and work. Now, more than ever, the stigma around mental health struggles needs to be addressed.…

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Creative Energy Options

When Feedback Makes YOU Defensive Here’s What To Do About It

By Sylvia Lafair | April 28, 2021 | Comments Off on When Feedback Makes YOU Defensive Here’s What To Do About It

From the time we arrive on the planet, we are in a constant feedback loop. Before we have verbal language to support us, we use body language. For example: cry for a diaper change or food, and someone shows up. Studies show that babies respond to the nonverbal messages from a caretaker and adjust to…

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