Can’t Decide? Yes, No, Maybe? Here’s What To Do

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

How to decide what to decide.

Do you get all tangled up inside when you have to make a big decision? Or even a small one?

For instance, “The tie comes in blue, red or leopard print. Which do I get?”

Another example, “Is hotel A or B best for our summer vacation? Wait, what about C, D, or E?”

And then a big decision, “When should I tell my boss I don’t want to take on the new project? Or not tell him, or tell someone else, or keep my mouth shut?”

UGH…. why is it so frustrating to make up your mind?

Living in the world of NOW

Let me help you put decision-making into perspective.

Everyone complains there are too many choices to be made daily, hourly, every minute. The world is spinning faster than ever, or at least it seems that way.

In other words, should you behave like Nike suggests, and just do it?

For instance, author Malcolm Gladwell in his ground-breaking book “Blink”

discusses what he calls ‘the blink factor’ or ‘thin-slicing’ which is the ability to use limited information from a very narrow period of experience to come to a conclusion.

This is when you decide what to decide without thinking about it too much.

However, this is only one way we decide.

Sometimes it works, and other times it blows up like a tornado right in your face.

Memories of things past

Another has to do with decisions made when you were a kid. These thoughts sitting in your subconscious mind continue to drive how you make choices.

Those choices may have been good when you were 9 years old or 13 years old.

What about now?

Above all, it’s not the best idea to follow anything derived from that part of your psyche that is a dumping ground of deep-rooted past disappointments and fears or childish successes.

What worked then wont work now

Most importantly, you can learn how to close the door to poor decision-making from the past and do better today.

Here is a short exercise to get the pump primed for better decisions:

First, close your eyes and go back to an early memory that had a negative effect. Now write down the details as you remember.

Next, repeat the exercise, but this time reflect on a positive experience when a decision had a confident impact. Write it down.

Completion: Close your eyes once again and contemplate a decision you must make now. Write down what you decide to do.

Trust you GUT

Above all, check your decision with the feeling you have in you stomach area right now.

In other words, you first went from a negative outcome, next to a positive outcome, and now you have the opportunity to make a decision in the present time.

Your chances of making your best decision are highly improved using this process.


I promise, if your intuition sways in a positive direction, you will be making the right choice. If not, go back and redo the entire exercise.

Inability to make clear decisions is a true stressor and can keep you spinning your wheels rather than moving along effectively.

This one exercise in the STRESS BUSTERS Program helps you find a better way to make decisions without over-the-top stress.

To your success,


Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

