Why some words have high emotional power

Creative Energy Options

Did you ever wonder why some words have high emotional power while others just slide off people’s lips without a second thought? The old saying, “Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you” is 100% not true. Let me explain. While recently preparing my presentation for the Indiana Women’s Conference,…

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How good are you are telling the truth?

Creative Energy Options

How good are you are telling the truth? Think about it for a minute. Where do you hold back to be polite? Or when do you shrug and say “Whatever” rather than let your underlying feelings out? Telling truth to power is not for wimps. It takes great courage to stay strong and speak out.…

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Leadership Strategies: To Stand Out or to Fit In?

Creative Energy Options

Here’s an email I received recently that I think applies to all of us regarding making the choice to stand out or to fit in…  Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am having a real struggle with the opposing desires to stand out or to fit in. I’m a millennial working in a big city marketing company…

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What Do Women and Men Want?

Creative Energy Options

Here is an excellent response to my question, “What do women want” and “What do men want.” Please read this thoughtful comment and then my answer. We are all living in such interesting times and need to keep talking and getting to the core. That’s where change really happens. Dear Sylvia, Nice one about men…

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