Leadership Lessons: When Hidden Emotions Show Up

a flyer with group of diverse people smiling and posing

Summary: The emotions underneath leadership decisions are often ignored. Learning to read your specific personal concerns and upsets can lead to more effective leadership moving forward.  Dear Dr. Sylvia,  I cannot watch the news anymore without a knot in my stomach. When I see the fires roar around the world and the guns destroy lives,…

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What Happens to Women Leaders When They Tell The Truth?

Artwork and illustrations of different women leaders

Summary: There is always a risk to telling the truth. Is it more difficult for women to speak up? Most research says “yes.” Here is a way to be clear, heard, and respected.  Dear Dr. Sylvia,  As a leader, I know I must give difficult feedback to my team. However, I have not mastered “the…

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We All Tell Lies, Which Type of Liar Are You? 

I must not tell lies written over and over again in a notebook

Summary: We have all heard “the truth shall set you free,”; yet, lying is a daily occurrence. Read on to see which pattern, from fibs to fraud, fits your personality and, more importantly, what to do about it.  Dear Dr. Sylvia,  I don’t know who to believe anymore. When I ask my direct reports about…

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